Thursday, February 21, 2008


Ok well it's time. my truck is ready to go. So we have found a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 quad cab and the bank is willing to give us the loan. So if it looks good in the morning I might have a new vehicle by the weekend. Which in my book would be great. I worry things ar just going down hill to fast with it, and hings might not be safe for much longer.
Now as for work it sucks. I am getting burried under a mound of paper work. Which meas I will never get out on the floor. Which I was originally hired for, but guess what? That is what I get for believing what I am told. Should have stuck with my old ways and never taken anything one face value. So now I am stuck with a delima do I give them more time to do what they said to start with or do I make a move which will be better for me in the long run.
I am working 10 plus hours a day five days a weekwhich is to much. No one shold have to work like that. I do the job of two ppl and get paid the amount of one. To me that math just does not add up!!!!!! Need to work on my math and see what I can do about that!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Ok, I know I have been MIA on keeping up lately, but lots of things have been going on. My job still bites the big one. I am still doing way to much for way to little pay. I now have a schedule and vactions along with everything else I was already doing. Then add meetings every friday it's just to much. I have not had a chance to get to payroll the last two Fridays,(ok so I stayed till nine thirty last friday 12 1/2 hour day) sorry already working 5 tens not going to pull 12's and not get anywhere.
The more that gets piled on me the more I do to keep up. I need to just say no I can't, but that is not my personality. I will keep pushing myself until I loss it. The last tw ppl before me did not have to do half of the stuff I am doing and I know this first hand, and to top it off they both had full training where I was lucky to get maybe 15hours on the three days I got.
I am wasting what I know to do sitting behind a desk. This is not what I have been learning since I was 13 I was not killing myself in all those kitchen and resturants to sit behind a freaking desk. I know some would say shut up and quit complaining atleast you have a job. It is not what I applied for and not what I do. So why should I settle for something I don't want.
I was raised to reach for my goals and fight to get there because i would make it better in the long run..
I know if I do not put my foot down and do something he will keep pilling more crap on me to keep me stuck where I am and that is not what will make me happy.
I am a ppl person not omeone that is willing to sit idly behind a desk. Sorry but I can not buy in to that insanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!