Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mass Delusions

Another month nearly over and we are no further ahead then befor. Things seem to spiral out of control most times here and no one seems to understand why, but yet they do nothing to stop it or even prevent it.
My trend with friends seem to be carring over out here. Make a good friend and then you or them change jobs and then there seems to be no more, guess I am one of those destined to only have my family close. Either that or I am just losing my mind which could be.
My Lupus seems to be running me and not the other way around. I thought things were controled but it appears things that can not be seen are what is effecting me the most. The pain is begining to drive me insane. The constant ache all over is the worst, nothing seems to help. I dont want to have to depend on pain meds but it looks like I might have to ask for something with my new doctor as soon as I get the appt. set.
I want to get back to my writting but I just can not seem to pin my mind down long enough to get anything down on paper or even in the computer here. I am ready to give up but not just to that level yet. i can not concentrate or think straight half of the time anymore. Maybe it is just more effects from my lupus yet another thing to check with the doctor for.

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