Friday, January 22, 2010

Mass Confussion

Some never seem to understand that you are just trying to help. Trying to send them in the right direction. So we just push and push, but they don't budge. They still follow the path that will lead them in to trouble. Why can they not see that you are just trying to keep them from Doing what you did, and that you know it will bring them to no good.
Like my oldest wanting to connect with a father that never caredabout her or her sister. She does not seem to realize I am just trying to stop her from feeling the pain I know it will cause. For a father to turn away from his children at suc a young age is the most disgusting thing in the world. To want to sign over custidy just so you don't owe child support is just Pathetic, and that is what my ex offered!!!!
Yet here is my oldest wanting to chose her low life father over a mother who has been there every freaking minute of her life. To me it makes no sense. I never did this to my dad, why is she doing it to me???
Yes I know I push her, but you have to push a teenager to get them to do anything. So that they can understand why they have to do certian things so that they can survive in the cruel world we live in. I believe we are here to help our kids but they must test us everyday just to try the bonds that we make for them.
I just want my girls to have it better then I have had it. I don't want them to have to live paycheck to paycheck. I want them to be able to live their lives to the fullest. To be able to have everything they want. Not having to scrimp and save for every damned penny.

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