Monday, January 14, 2008

New Home

What runs through someones mind when they decide to pack up and move cross counrty? Well I for one am till trying tofigure this out, even after ding it two times now. My first one was from Florida to wisconsin, now it was Wisconsin to Nevada. People asked me if I had lost my mind others just wished me good luck
Well I have been here in Las Vegas for six months now nd I can tel you even though the pay is higher the cost of living makes up the difference. The shool system is se up to drive parents insane. You can not do anything over the phone. You can not even talk about your child, you know the ones that you go through labor to have you have to prove it all over agian to show a photo.
Give me a break if I want to discuss my children it is my right. Or to make three quarters of the elementary kids walk to chool. nope no busses, because it is not cost effective. So they would rather ave kis walk with the idiot drivers out here. Yes said idiot drive, no one seems to have common sense.
Take merging on the highway, they do not know what the word means, the chose to slam on brakes. Oh and for the slight bit of rain or the minut snow flake it slows down to turtle speed. I think they all need to go back to learn how to drive!!!!!!
As for work that is another long story which I chose to just not discuss because as of many other areas in Las Vegas comon sense does not prevail, or even being on the same page as to what should happen.
Okay thats enough for now of how I lost my mind and moved cross coutry not once but twice.

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