Monday, January 28, 2008

Unsure/ Rants/ Questions/ Lies

Okay things never make sense anymore. Just when you think you might be figuring things out someone throws you a crurve ball. Making me nothing more then a freakins AA agian (company term for a secratry) Then I get told I don't show want to be a floor manager. Give me a break how does getting hire being told Iwould be 3/4on the floor and 1/4 in the office say I don't want to be o the floor. I have 15 plus years managment experience. Each of those years I have run a shift a crew or an entire rest. by myself. Yet here tha does not seem good enough for their standards. Nor the fact that I have always keep labor low and made my bonuses every quater when i was a kitchen manager. Or the fact that I have been a corprut trainner for one of the biggest rest. in the U.S. I just do not know what it takes. Ppl with little to no experience get put on the floor right away and yet here I sit shuffling papers for yet another day.
Yes I know I might sound like a broken record ut I do not feel I should hae to stay extra past the ten hours I am already workin on a daily basis to prove I want to be on the floor. Sorry but I feel my work history should show I know what I am doing and Should be given a chance on my marit instead of being lied to over and over agian.
It was sugested to me I should just smile and nood my head and agree to everything told to me. Sit and waste time bull shitting when there are things to be done. So that they know I want to be one he floor. Or even to walk around with them on my time (this is after my ten hours I have already put in) I am already giving this job more hours then it s worth, If someone could give me a vqalid reason why I should waste more time to brown nose to get where I should be maybe I would but wasting my life behind a desk is not for me. I am customer safe (if you want tosay it that way) and know what I am talkin about, but yet no one wants to get out of the way so I can do what I should be doing.
Is it because I do the job I have better then I should. Maybe I should sit and not put in the hours and let the discrepeancys to pile where the next person has to deal with ones from over a year before. Or to find out that things where never done right half the time and you are cleaning up others messes. Or to hear how others talk about the staff and to decide you have no respect for anone you work with because of they way they treat everyone else.
Let alone finding out how they talk about you when you are not there.How they belittle you and saying you are nothing but a lowly secretary with no worth other than findng a file or placing an order, hell even making phone call just to say that he wanted to talk to them. Sorry I can not work in a dept. that think little of someone because they know how to work and have respect for everyone until the lose that themselve.
I just want to like my job not dread everyday knowing I have to go because my family needs the paycheck coming in. I want the joy I had when I was just bartending instead of being a second class person now.

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