Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Not Good Enough

Well Here we have it, almost a year since my last update on here. I knew that it was going to be hard out here, but hard is not even close to what reality is out here. My husband lost his job and was home for over three months looking before he was able to find another one. I personally think that is just insane with someone of his skill and drive, but that is the world we live in today. There are so many people out there that need and want to work yet these big companies refuse to hire because their bottom line doesn't look like they want it to.
Then you have people like me who put everything they have into their job and pride theirself on doing their best every damn time they do anything. You know the old saying about having to give 110%, well I got told that giving 110% was not good enough anymore. How can anyone ask you to give anymore I already spend more time at work for my miniscull pay then I do at home. All I have time to do is go to work and come home to sleep. What kind of a life is that? Seriously what do these people want. I come to work sick, in pain but yet I do my job and then some.
So with that said what do I do. my boss gave me 45days to improve. I told him that was a slap in the face honestly. I do more then any other manager I work there with. I am never late, I don't call in sick. I am there almost 30 minutes early every freaking shift. I take orders, buss tables, expidite the food, stock whats needed, try to make all the guest happy, and that is just in the rest. I also go to the outlets like we are supposed to. I have spent so much time at the outlets lately my main staff thinks I have forgot about them. I am the only manager that goes up and gives a stupid potty break every damn day for the same girl. Come on I don't see my boss doing that. I spend so much time up in the towers cleaning the floors, and running to the other property to get money for the cashiers and the attendents, I don't know whether I am a damned goofer or a manager.

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